
Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program: Empowering African Scholars in 2023


The Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program (AOVP) is an esteemed initiative that bridges the gap between academia and African scholars, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Founded on the principles of inclusivity and empowerment, the program offers an exceptional opportunity for African academics to engage with the intellectual community at the University of Oxford, one of the world’s leading academic institutions. In this blog post, we will explore the key aspects and benefits of the Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program for African scholars in 2023.

Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program: Empowering African Scholars in 2023

  1. Enriching Academic Exchange

The AOVP aims to enhance the academic landscape in Africa by facilitating meaningful collaborations and exchanges between scholars from the continent and the University of Oxford. The program provides African academics with access to Oxford’s extensive resources, state-of-the-art facilities, and renowned faculty members. By engaging in vibrant academic discussions, attending seminars, and collaborating on research projects, visiting fellows can broaden their perspectives and develop valuable networks, fostering long-term partnerships between Oxford and Africa.

  1. Research Opportunities

One of the primary objectives of the AOVP is to promote research excellence in Africa. Visiting fellows have the unique chance to delve into their research projects within the stimulating academic environment at Oxford. The program offers scholars access to Oxford’s vast libraries, cutting-edge laboratories, and research centers, empowering them to deepen their investigations, explore new methodologies, and produce high-impact research outcomes. By leveraging Oxford’s scholarly resources, fellows can contribute significantly to their respective fields of study.

  1. Mentorship and Professional Development

The AOVP recognizes the importance of mentorship and professional development in nurturing future academic leaders in Africa. During their stay at Oxford, fellows receive guidance and mentorship from esteemed faculty members, enabling them to enhance their academic skills and develop innovative teaching methods. The program also provides workshops and seminars focused on topics such as grant writing, publication strategies, and academic career advancement. By equipping scholars with the necessary tools and knowledge, the AOVP empowers them to become catalysts for positive change within their home institutions and communities.

  1. Cultural Exchange and Diversity

The Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program not only fosters academic growth but also celebrates the rich diversity of African cultures. Visiting fellows have the opportunity to engage with a diverse community of scholars from different countries, backgrounds, and disciplines. The program encourages interdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue, facilitating the exchange of ideas and perspectives. Through cultural events, seminars, and informal gatherings, fellows can forge lifelong friendships and build a network of like-minded individuals who share a passion for Africa’s advancement.

  1. Long-lasting Impact

The impact of the AOVP extends beyond the duration of the fellowship. Upon returning to their home institutions, visiting fellows become ambassadors of knowledge and change, sharing their experiences and the insights gained during their time at Oxford. By implementing innovative teaching methods, initiating collaborative research projects, and mentoring future generations of African scholars, AOVP alumni contribute significantly to the growth and development of higher education across the continent.

What is a visiting fellow at Oxford?

A visiting fellow at Oxford is a scholar who is invited to spend a period of time at the University of Oxford to conduct research or teach. Visiting fellowships are typically offered to academics from other universities, but they can also be offered to professionals or other individuals with expertise in a particular field.


The length of a visiting fellowship can vary, but it is typically between one month and one year. Visiting fellows are typically provided with accommodation, a study space, and access to the University’s libraries and other resources. They may also be given a stipend to help cover their living expenses.

The purpose of a visiting fellowship is to allow the scholar to collaborate with other academics at Oxford, to access the University’s resources, and to further their own research. Visiting fellows are also given the opportunity to teach or give seminars at the University.

There are many different types of visiting fellowships at Oxford, and the specific requirements and benefits will vary depending on the fellowship. However, all visiting fellows are given the opportunity to experience the rich academic and cultural life of Oxford.


Here are some examples of visiting fellowships at Oxford:

  • AfOx Visiting Fellowship Programme: This fellowship is designed to allow exceptional African researchers to build international networks and focus on a project of their choice in collaboration with Oxford-based scholars.
  • Visiting Fellowships at the Refugee Studies Centre: These fellowships are open to professional academics, post-doctoral scholars, independent non-academic researchers, and PhD (DPhil) students researching aspects of forced migration.
  • Visiting Fellowships at All Souls College: These fellowships are open to scholars in all subjects, and they offer the opportunity to conduct research, teach, and participate in the academic life of All Souls College.

If you are an academic or other professional with expertise in a particular field, you may be interested in applying for a visiting fellowship at Oxford. To find out more about visiting fellowships at Oxford, you can visit the University’s website or contact the relevant department or college

What GPA do you need to be a visiting Student at Oxford?

The minimum GPA required for a visiting student at Oxford is 3.7 on a 4.0 scale (for North American students), or a level of achievement at university equivalent to a strong 2:1 UK degree classification (for students whose university courses are graded differently). However, it is important to note that this is just a guideline, and the actual GPA requirements may vary depending on the college or department to which you are applying.

In addition to your GPA, you will also need to submit other materials as part of your application, such as a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and a sample of your academic work. The admissions committee will consider all of these factors when making their decision.

If you are interested in applying to be a visiting student at Oxford, I recommend that you check the specific requirements for the college or department to which you are applying. You can find this information on the University’s website.

How do I become a visiting scholar at Oxford?

Here are the steps on how to become a visiting scholar at Oxford:

  1. Identify a suitable department or college. The first step is to identify a suitable department or college at Oxford that aligns with your research interests. You can do this by browsing the University’s website or by contacting the relevant department directly.
  2. Identify a potential supervisor. Once you have identified a suitable department or college, you need to identify a potential supervisor. This is an academic who will be responsible for your research while you are at Oxford. You can find potential supervisors by contacting the department or college directly, or by browsing the University’s website.
  3. Contact the department or college to express your interest. Once you have identified a potential supervisor, you need to contact the department or college to express your interest in becoming a visiting scholar. You will need to provide them with your CV, a research proposal, and letters of recommendation.
  4. Apply for a visiting fellowship. If the department or college is interested in your application, they will invite you to apply for a visiting fellowship. The application process will vary depending on the department or college, but it will typically involve submitting an application form, a research proposal, and letters of recommendation.
  5. Be interviewed. If your application is successful, you will be invited to an interview. The interview will be conducted by a panel of academics from the department or college.
  6. Receive a decision. The department or college will make a decision on your application within a few weeks of your interview. If your application is successful, you will be offered a visiting fellowship.

Here are some additional tips for becoming a visiting scholar at Oxford:

  • Start your application early. The application process can take several months, so it is important to start your application early.
  • Be clear about your research interests. The department or college will want to know what you are interested in researching, so make sure your application is clear about your research interests.
  • Get letters of recommendation from strong academics. Letters of recommendation are an important part of your application, so make sure you get letters from strong academics who can speak to your research abilities.
  • Be prepared to interview. The interview is an important part of the application process, so be prepared to answer questions about your research interests and your plans for your visit to Oxford.

I hope this helps!


The Africa Oxford Visiting Fellows Program plays a pivotal role in empowering African scholars, fostering collaboration, and enhancing academic excellence. Through its commitment to inclusive and equitable opportunities, the program creates a platform for African academics to engage with the global academic community and contribute to the advancement of knowledge. By participating in the AOVP, scholars in 2023 can access world-class resources, benefit from mentorship, and establish networks that will have a lasting impact on their careers and the development of Africa as a whole.


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